Our membership opportunities are inclusive and diverse. We welcome spouses from all backgrounds and encourage community partnership. Many of our members bring a flair of international experience and cultural enrichment to our events. Membership is also open to Active Duty service members, retirees, DA civilian employees, and their spouses. Host nation guests are eligible to join when sponsored by a member in good standing who holds SOFA status.
Because we also focus on social welfare, the VCC offers both social events and those intended to better our community on and off post. We encourage everyone to join and be a part of an organization that is committed to the ideal that we are better together.
Membership is $20 for an individual membership or $30 for a family membership and is available to all eligible participants.
Every board year promises a myriad of fabulous volunteer opportunities. Volunteering is at the heart of our organization and is the perfect opportunity to make a difference in our community and show our commitment to our values all while enjoying new friendships and camaraderie.
This year we are forming a pool of volunteers. When you sign up for the pool, you will receive an email invite to participate in various activities. Opportunities will also be included in our monthly newsletters, on social media and here on our website.
Community members, even those who are not VCC members, will periodically receive emails from the USAG AVC about opportunities to serve on VCC planning committees or help with our events.
Volunteering is always more fun with a friend. We encourage you to look left and right and bring a friend to the meeting–all are welcome. The choice is yours, whether to sign-up or not. We hope you do!

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”