Making a Difference
The purpose of the Bright Eyes Program is to assist families of qualifying children (infant through grade twelve) in the Vicenza Military Community with their eyeglass purchase. After purchasing their eyeglasses, qualified families may be reimbursed up to $150.00 towards the cost of their glasses. Applicants are eligible to for assistance towards one pair of eyeglasses per year.
- Applicants must be active duty military to include active guard and reserve or DOD civilian employees with dependent children between the ages of infant and 18 years.
- Applicants must have SOFA status and are assigned to Caserma Ederle, Del Din or Camp Darby.
- Applications are accepted from all ranks.
- Applicants will be screened to show financial eligibility. Applications for financial hardship will be accepted and checked for eligibility.
- VCC membership is not required.